Check back later for information regarding clinics and auditions for 2023!
The clinic process:
Meet together at the facility, team warm-up, learn Illinette choreography, Q+A session, dismissal.
​What to wear:
Please wear whatever you feel comfortable dancing in.
Hair can be down or pulled back.

The audition process:
Execute technique, double, triple or maximum pirouette turns on the right and left, a jeté leap, a leap in second, a calypso (capezio) leap, and flexibility (ability to do both right and left splits, front and side battements on right and left), and turns in second
Consists of:
Marching fundamentals
Technique across the floor
Learning a traditional Illinettes dance
Learning a new jazz/hip-hop routine
Personal statement about why you would like to be an Illinette
Announcement of new team, team picture, and uniform/merchandise measurements
​What to wear:
Wear a black sports bra and black dance shorts or you may wear black leggings. Wear proper dance footwear.
Be sure your hair styled, fully down or half-up. Make-up should be “performance ready” (eyeshadow, lipstick, blush, fake eyelashes, etc.)

Frequently Asked Questions
What type of dancer are you looking for?
Currently, the Illinettes Dance Team consists of 28 hardworking, technically trained dancers. They come from all different dance backgrounds, from their high school poms teams to ballet companies. Illinettes are versatile and able to adapt to different styles. We are looking for dancers who are strong technically, have great listening abilities, are adaptable, personable, and strong. Illinettes need to be specialized in pom, jazz, and hip hop.
What is the time commitment?
The time commitment varies from football to basketball season. In the fall, the Illinettes rehearse with the Marching Illini and have their own additional practice times. Band rehearsal goes from Monday-Friday, typically for an hour and a half. Sectionals are usually on Monday-Wednesday, with varying times. Football games are on Saturday mornings, afternoons, and occasionally at night. A typical football game day morning consists of a 6:30 a.m. call time for morning rehearsal, a 9 a.m. lunch break, and an 11 a.m. kick-off. During basketball season the team has two to three practices a week, and no band rehearsal. Men's and women's basketball games run during the weekdays and weekends.
How involved is the Illinettes Dance Team with the Marching Illini?
The Illinettes Dance Team is a very important part of the Marching Illini. We perform with the band during the pregame and halftime shows, perform at tailgates & do parades, travel with the band on various trips throughout the year, and attend Band Camp at the beginning of the school year. The Illinettes are proud members of the Marching Illini because they give us such amazing opportunities and chances to perform.
Does the Illinettes Dance Team compete?
The Illinettes Dance Team currently does not compete at UDA Nationals or other competitions. However, we do attend UDA College Camp in the summer. Not competing gives the team a chance to explore other opportunities in the college experience and focus on being a game-day team. This decision is reevaluated every year by the team, so it can vary year by year.
Is attendance mandatory?
Yes. In fact, Marching Illini and Sectional time is considered a class, and members receive a grade and academic credit for it. The practices that are in place must be attended to in order to maintain the growth and integrity of our group numbers, as well as a passing grade. Extreme illnesses, death in the family, and weddings of immediate family members are excused with proper documentation. Exams, non-pressing illnesses, and homework are not excused and will result in being pulled from halftime or pregame performance.
Is there a cost to join?
No. The Illinettes are required to purchase personal items such as warm-ups, boots, gym shoes, etc., but are not required to pay a fee for being on the team. Uniforms and poms are paid for by the University.
Are Illinette members involved in Greek life or other activities on campus?
Yes. Many of our members are student leaders in various Registered Student Organizations (RSOs) and belong to Greek organizations. Illinette sectionals and Marching Illini practice always take priority, but our members learn time management skills and have been able to schedule around academics and practices.
What are the summer, fall, and winter break commitment like?
Over the summer weekends, the Illinettes meet three times to practice sideline routines and features for football season. All members are expected to be in attendance. Over the past two years, the Illinettes have also traveled to a 4-day UDA Dance Camp with mandatory attendance. A week before classes resume, the Illinettes join the entire Marching Illini for a week-long Band Camp. Over Thanksgiving and winter break, the Illinettes perform at football and basketball break games. Members are provided per diem for men's and women's basketball break games. All Illinette members are also expected to attend Bowl Games if the Illinois Football team qualifies.
Who runs practices and choreographs dances?
The team elects two captains who are in charge of all Illinette practices. Choreography made by team members and selected by the captains are learned and performed by the team. This gives members opportunities to work on their choreography, staging, and leadership skills.
Are all academic majors accepted?
Yes. Our team members come from a variety of majors (engineering, dance, business, biology, etc.).